
Learning from the crisis: Ten considerations for local leaders building a new settlement for multiple disadvantage


MEAM’s submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review

MEAM has responded to the UK Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review 2020.


Social Prescribing Explainer

MEAM is publishing a series of “policy into practice” briefings to explore key national policy developments and what these mean for people and services in local areas.

Our latest in the series explores social prescribing and what it means for people experiencing multiple disadvantage.


Flexible responses during the Coronavirus crisis: Rapid evidence gathering

The MEAM Coalition has published new research examining the flexibilties that homelessness, substance misuse, mental health and criminal justice services have put in place to support people during the COVID-19 crisis, and how some of the positive aspects of these changes might be maintained in the future.


Probation Reform Explainer

MEAM is publishing a series of “policy into practice” briefings to explore key national policy developments and what these mean for people and services in local areas.

Our latest in the series explores the latest developments in the probation reform programme.


MEAM’s response to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee’s inquiry into Coronavirus, Homelessness and the Private Rented Sector

MEAM has submitted a response to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee’s inquiry into the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on homelessness and the private rented sector.


Multiple disadvantage: A framework for transition planning

MEAM has launched a new ‘working document’ to support local areas and the new homelessness taskforce with transition planning.


2009-2019: Ten years of tackling multiple disadvantage

In 2019, MEAM turned ten. This report reflects on the last decade and the work we have done in partnership with service providers, policymakers, commissioners, politicians and people with experience of multiple disadvantage, across the country.


MEAM’s response to the Dept. for Health and Social Care’s “Advancing our Health” Green Paper

MEAM has responded to the “Advancing Our Health” Green Paper, issued by the Department for Health and Social Care.


MEAM’s response to the Homelessness Reduction Act Call for Evidence

MEAM has responded to the Government’s call for evidence about the implementation and effectiveness of the Homelessness Reduction Act (2017).
