
Making funding work for people facing multiple disadvantage

Funding streams made available to local areas to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping, substance misuse, mental health and criminal justice are important and welcome. They are delivered by committed teams of civil servants and create positive impact for many people. However, the way in which government funding streams are traditionally designed, offered, coordinated and monitored can limit the collective impact they have for people facing multiple disadvantage. This briefing is the first part in an exploration of the various streams of funding that have been made available to local areas over the last 18 months and the impact these have had on the ability of local areas to support people experiencing multiple disadvantage.


MEAM Strategy 2021-25

MEAM has launched Building on Success, a strategy to guide our work over the next four years. The document outlines three strategic aims and our ultimate goal: that by 2025 every area in the country will have a partnership approach to multiple disadvantage in place and be taking practical steps to transform services and systems for people facing multiple disadvantage.


Impact of MEAM support

Cordis Bright has published a new report exploring the nature and impact of the support MEAM provides to local areas in the MEAM Approach network. The research investigated the types of support MEAM provides to local areas, which types of support are most valued, and the impact of MEAM support on people, partnerships and the wider system.


Alcohol and multiple disadvantage

Substance misuse is one of the primary issues for many people experiencing multiple disadvantage. Recently, there has been much focus on drug treatment, however there has been a tendency to give alcohol less attention despite the prevalence of its use. This briefing examines the impact of alcohol related harm among people experiencing multiple disadvantage, considers the role of treatment and explores barriers and solutions to effective alcohol support.


Mental health discharge and multiple disadvantage

For many people experiencing multiple disadvantage, accessing appropriate mental health support remains a significant problem. This briefing explores the experience of discharge from inpatient mental health care for people experiencing multiple disadvantage and those who support them. It is based on the experiences of interviewees from across the MEAM Approach and Fulfilling Lives networks and focuses on hospitals rather than the secure estate.


MEAM submits response to spending review

MEAM has published its submission to the Spending Review 2021. We call on government for a clear commitment to multiple disadvantage and a focus on learning, secure and coordinated funding for services supporting people experiencing multiple disadvantage. and highlight the individual responses from the four MEAM organisations.


Health Reform Explainer

MEAM is publishing a series of “policy into practice” briefings to explore key national policy developments and what these mean for people and services in local areas.

Our latest in the series explores the latest developments in health reform and what these could mean for people experiencing multiple disadvantage.


Reviewing the deaths of people facing multiple disadvantage.

People experiencing multiple disadvantage are at a higher risk of premature death than the general population. Despite this, there remains a limited focus, both locally and nationally, on investigating and reviewing premature deaths when they occur. This briefing encourages local areas to review all premature deaths of people facing multiple disadvantage and calls on national government to require this and to collate learning from reviews to inform policy decisions. It highlights the benefits that reviews can bring and the methods and processes that can be adopted to improve current practices and minimise future loss of life.


Integrated Care Systems and Multiple Disadvantage

In the latest in our policy into practice series, we explore the role of Integrated Care Systems and the opportunity they pose to address the issues faced by people experiencing multiple disadvantage.


The sentencing white paper: impacts on people experiencing multiple disadvantage

In the latest in our policy into practice series, we explore the recently released sentencing white paper A Smarter Approach to Sentencing, and consider its impact on people experiencing multiple disadvantage.
